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Tips for
Selling a Home

Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is the first step to capture an audience for your particular property. Marketing plans are going to be different for each and every property. Marketing plans layout advertising such as local real estate magazine, newspaper, internet placement (specific sites), open house, flyers, etc. The purpose and focus is to reach as many buyers as possible and sell the property at the best price attainable.


An integral part of the marketing plan is the listing price. Our real estate associates will do comparative market analysis (CMA) to get an idea of what similar properties are on the market and at what price they sold. The listing price does not need to be too high as this will turn possible buyers away and a lower price may cost sellers money. Research needs to be done to find the correct price and move forward to placing your property on the market. Any items that you feel will help with the sale of your property will need to be discussed with our associates as this could be an attractive incentive for possible buyers.


Once placing your property on the market you will need to get your property in order. Remember that first impressions are lasting impressions so you don’t want to miss out on any possible buyers. Tips for getting your property ready to show include cleaning, less clutter, touch up paint, keeping yard in great shape, and try to capitalize on curb appeal. Buyers are drawn to well kept properties as they feel it will be a situation where they can move in and enjoy right away. Other possible incentives that attract buyers are home warranties that cover the buyer for a year if anything needed to be repaired or replaced.


In most cases placing your property for sale is a relatively safe process, but sometimes it is better to be safe than sorry. Remember that now your property will be receiving a lot more attention now that it is for sale. People will be more forward as far as approaching you and your property, so here are a couple of safety reminders:- Always ask for identification, most real estate professionals will provide you with a card- Pre-approval letter requirements will eliminate buyers that do not qualify for your property- Always lock up and hide your valuables- Pets can be friendly and dangerous, remember to lock up your pets- Be prepared for buyers to look everywhere, always place any dangerous items out of sight Advice would be to just use common sense, if something looks wrong ask and call your real estate associate to verify any concerns.

The Deal

When an offer is placed on your property, you will go through the negotiation period. Our real estate associates will take you through the process by achieving the highest sales price at the best possible terms and conditions for you. After an agreement has been established you will need to be tedious and accommodating as there will be inspections, appraisal, survey, repairs, and final walk through if everything goes as planned. Also remember that after an inspection there may be additional negotiations for repairs and such. Once you arrive at the closing table make sure that you have all paperwork and receipts if need be after repairs. The papers are signed and keys are exchanged, now time to make your next move. Congrats and good luck!